Education is a life–long process. It is never ending. In the age of information explosion, information is a dynamic and unending source that effects all disciplines and all walks of life. Libraries are the sources for continuum of education and are playing an important role in getting relevant information. The Library & Information Centre of Swami Vivekananda National Institute of Rehabilitation Training and Research is located at the 2nd Floor of the Academic Building with floor area of more than 6120 sq. ft.
Users have facility for easy browsing, reading and borrowing of Books and Journals. The library continues to be an essential component of our Institute’s research and treatment mission. Our Library & Information Centre caters to the need of Under graduate i.e. BPT, BOT & BPO, Post graduate in MPT, MOT, MPO, DNB, Internship students, all Teaching Faculty and staff of the Institute. The library follows open access system and the books are arranged using Decimal Classification (D.D.C.) scheme.
We have recently installed Koha library software for our library system. Koha is an open-source integrated library management system software, with a MySQL based relational SQL database backend. Koha’s front end is accessible from any modern up-to-date browser (preferably Mozilla Firefox / Google Chrome). Once completed, this initiative would serve as the backbone of the smart Library. All the computers of the library are connected through LAN. Online resources package subscribed for the Institute Library, (which include journal, books, thesis, and instruments). The use of computers for various information handling and documentation activities was continued.
Our 24*7 online library system & information services available in Web-based Online Public Access Catalogue (WEBOPAC) The ultimate goal of this Web-based Online Public Access Catalogue (WEBOPAC) is to enable patrons to browse library collection online beyond the physical boundary of the college.
Central/ Medical/ Technical Library:
The Institute’s central/ Medical/ Technical Library has a collection of more than 8,600 latest books, more than 250 gift books, 8,472 journals and several reports, reprints etc. The Library is kept open for twelve hours (8.30am to 9.00pm) excluding 30 minutes Lunch break, and caters to the information needs of staff and students of the Institute, Govt. functionaries, rehabilitation professionals of other centers, NGOs, Persons With Disabilities and their relatives.
Departmental Library:
Besides the Central/ Medical/ Technical Library, each Department has its own Departmental Library equipped with recent referral books for use of the Faculties and PG students.
Hindi Library:
The Official Language section of the Institute has a Hindi Library and equipped with a collection of 231 books for the use of Staff, PWDs and their caregivers.